On average, 1 out of 3 reviews we collect will be shared to Google (the others will be shown on your LeadSite website as direct reviews).

Want to improve that conversion rate? Then make your own "Thank you for your review" video that the reviewer will see after they leave you an internal review. 

Don't worry, it's super easy - all you need is your cell phone (our experience shows a natural video like this is much better than a fancy one). Record yourself, upload the video to us, and we'll take care of the rest! (no need to put the video on YouTube or any other service, we'll handle it all for you)

Due to the size of a video file, you can't email it or upload it through the Vault Dashboard. Instead, once you've shot your video, contact support (if you use the link below it will auto populate the email for you) and ask us to send you a file request. We'll send you a link to a special folder, and you can upload the file to us.

How to record and get us the video:

  1. Record your video on your cell phone
  2. Use this link to auto populate an email or send us an email at [email protected] and we'll send you a folder to upload it to (right from your phone even)
  3. Once we receive the video, we will handle hosting it and adding it to your Reputation Automation review funnel.


"Hey, it’s me, __________, and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to leave me a review… but I also wanted to ask you one more favor. Could you take a moment and share your review on the site below? I get a lot of mortgage shoppers who find me online, but need to read your review on Google to know that I’m going to do a good job for them and treat them right. I know you’re busy, but if you could please take that extra minute or two, I promise it will REALLY help me out. Thanks again for helping me to help others!"


"I just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you for leaving that amazing review! Although there's one last favor I would like to ask. I know you are busy.. so I appreciate you taking the time out to even watch this. Could you copy that review you left and put it onto Google. We have the Google link on the bottom of this page. We get a lot of mortgage shoppers who find us online, but need to read your review on Google. It tells them that I’m going to do a good job and will treat them right. If you could take an extra minute to do that, it really helps our business grow and means the world to us. Thanks again for helping us help others!

If you would like, you can download the script in a word/google doc for easy printing or editing: DOWNLOAD SCRIPT

Here are some samples from Hammer and other members for inspiration: